3 Reasons Why You Might Need A Weekend Plumbing Service In Long Island

Long Island residents work hard Monday through Friday. They use their weekends to relax, unwind, and prepare for the next week. Kicking back and taking it easy isn’t for everyone, though. Sometimes, people wait until Saturday and Sunday to get things done. On other occasions, like when plumbing systems act up, they are forced into handling matters.

Whatever the case may be, our weekend plumbing service has you covered. We have experienced plumbers available 24/7. Yep, that’s right; it doesn’t matter when your issue comes to fruition, morning, noon, night, or on the weekend, our team is ready to go. We offer free estimates and have competitive rates. So, what are you waiting for? Give us a call to schedule a weekend plumbing service today.

Now, it is time to check out some of the reasons why Long Island homeowners might need an after-hours plumber. Hence, if you’re included in that category, please, don’t go away just yet. Instead, stick around and read on to learn more.

1. A Clogged Toilet

Let’s say that a family’s home only has one bathroom with four occupants. The toilet stops up on Friday night, and waiting until Monday for a plumber is not an option because people need a place to do their business. That is where our company can be of assistance. 

After contacting the office, the homeowner will get immediate service. The plumber may need to snake the main sewer line to remove roots and debris. If the stoppage exists inside the commode, the professional might need to use a closet auger on it. Then again, it could only take a plunger to right the ship, so to speak.

2. No Hot Water

You get out of bed and hop right into the shower on Saturday morning. There’s certainly nothing wrong with that, but when you turn the knob, ice-cold water hits against your skin. Now, that’s a wake-up call. Do you want cold showers for the rest of the weekend? Nope, we didn’t think so. Give us a call when your water heater gives you fits. We’ll get it heating again so you can warm up and get clean.

3. A Burst Water Flex In The Attic

Is your water heater located in the attic? That’s good. You probably have loads of space downstairs. However, if a flex bursts, H2O will likely leak through the ceiling. Sure, there should be a pan beneath the tank, but if the water is spraying across the room, it won’t catch it. This is another scenario where an after-hours plumber can come in handy. Contact our office for all of your Long Island plumbing needs.