3 Signs Your Water Heater Is In Trouble

3 Signs Your Water Heater Is In TroubleFew people in Long Island question the necessity of having reliable hot water. Whether it’s for laundry, washing dishes, or taking a relaxing bath or shower, hot water is essential to the home. But the part of your home that does this, your water heater, needs to be in good working order.

Here are three signs that you need to call a plumber, maybe even an emergency plumber, to get your water heater looked at.

Your Hot Water Is Dirty

For water heaters that use a tank, the water first arrives in the tank, is heated there, and then sent through the hot water pipe to the faucet, tub, or shower stall you want. However, if there’s been damage or corrosion within the heating tank itself, this contaminates the water.

Suppose you’re washing dishes or taking a shower and notice dirty/rusty water coming out. In that case, a damaged water heater is likely the culprit.

Your Heater Makes Noise

If you turn on your hot water faucet in the sink, or get ready for a bath or shower, and hear noises coming from your hot water tank, this is another sign you should call the professionals. The noise could be due to sediment build-up. The water a water heater tank receives from the city isn’t 100% clean, and sediment can, over the years, build up inside it.

If this build-up gets to be too much, it can harden. Depending on where the sediment has hardened, this can result in bangs and rumble from the heater, as it struggles to work around this obstacle.

Your Heater Leaks

This is a big sign that you need to call an emergency plumber. If you’re in the vicinity of your water heater and you notice that it’s leaking water onto the ground, call a professional immediately. A water heater tank should never, ever leak, and this means something is seriously wrong.