Signs You May Have A Water Leak And What Should You Do About It

What Are The Signs You May Have A Water Leak And What Should You Do About It?Sometimes water leaks are pretty obvious, and other times you may not be so lucky. Water leaks can be sneaky, and even if they’re located in a space that’s not readily visible to the naked eye, any leak will leave signs you can spot so you can address the issue head-on. A few signs that might be pointing to a water leak in your home are the following:

• Your water bill is increasing – Unless you’ve had long-term visitors, you’re filling the pool or running the sprinkler, or you’ve been doing load after load to catch up on laundry, your water bill should remain just about the same month to month. Typically, you can pinpoint a normal increase, but your water bill shouldn’t go up an extraordinary amount. If you suddenly notice your water bill going up for no apparent reason, it could be a sign that you have a leak somewhere in your home.

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Signs That You May Have A Water Leak

Broken pipe water leak detection servicesWhen water leaks in your home it can cause a significant amount of damage. Leaky pipes or faucets can also increase your water bill costing you extra money each month. Detecting and repairing leaks right away can not only help prevent damage but can also save you as much as 10% on your monthly water expenses.

Learning how to identify plumbing problems can make it easier to spot leaks when they occur. That way, you can catch them early on before they have a chance to do major damage.

Some of the most common signs of water leaks are listed below.

Water Leak Detection

The Sound Of Water Running

When the water is turned on somewhere in your house you probably can hear it running. However, if you notice the sound of water running but no one is using water anywhere in your home it could mean that you have a leak. To locate the source of the problem look for areas of discoloration on your floors, ceilings, or walls. If you do find an area where water damage has occurred, feel it with your hand to see how warm it is. That way, you can let the plumber know whether it is the hot or cold water that is leaking.

If you can’t find any signs of a leak, try taking a look at your water meter. If the number on the water meter is increasing even when no water is being used, it is a sure sign of a leak.

A clogged drainSlow-Moving Drains

Over time, grease, hair, and other types of debris can clog your drains causing them to drain more slowly. In most cases, a liquid drain cleaner from the store should clear away any problems. If you try one of these products and still have trouble, however, you should consider reaching out to a plumber. Trying to remove the clog on your own can lead to extra damage, costing you even more money to repair.

A Reduction In Water Pressure

If you notice that your water pressure is lower than usual you could have an issue with your plumbing. In some cases the aerator on the faucet simply needs to be cleaned. If you try that, however, and the water pressure doesn’t return to normal, the problem could be caused by a leak or a broken pipe. The best option is to hire a plumber to identify and repair the problem for you.

Reach Out To Us Today For Leak Detection and Repair

Taking good care of your home’s plumbing system is the most effective way to avoid problems like these. For expert help with your plumbing, give us a call today.