How to Fix Common Toilet Issues

Drain unclogging serviceA clogged toilet is frustrating and potentially dangerous. In order for your toilet to work properly, you will need to clear the clog. The following toilet repair tips can help you out if you find yourself dealing with a clogged toilet.

Recurring Clogs

One of the most common problems with toilets is clogs. A toilet that is used and flushed often is at risk of developing a clog. If your toilet does not flush properly, it can be either partially or completely clogged.

When a toilet is completely clogged, it will fill to the brim or overflow. A partial clog can cause the toilet to slowly drain. With this type of clog waste cannot be flushed; however, the water in the bowl slowly decreases over time. There are several tools that can help to remove a clog. With practice, you can get a toilet unclogged.

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Keeping Your Toilet In Good Working Order: How To Prevent Clogs

a clogged toilet that is overflowingWhen your toilet is clogged the situation can become dire. You definitely want to make sure it is running seamlessly so you don’t have a nasty cleaning project on your hands. In addition, if you ignore a plumbing problem it can get quite expensive over time. While it is true that clogs can pop up without much warning, there is also a lot you can do to ensure that you don’t have to deal with one in the future.

1. Perform Random Inspections

Regular maintenance is essential if you want to keep your toilet in good working order. Look to see if it is filling and draining properly. Make sure there isn’t any rust or corrosion. In addition, examine your floating bar to make sure it is straight. Double check that your water connection is secure. Put the handle on “open” unless water starts to rise too high as a result of an overflow.

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What To Do When You Have A Clogged Toilet

What To Do When You Have A Clogged ToiletA toilet is an incredibly important part of any home or business establishment, and we put too little thought into our toilets until something goes wrong. A clogged toilet is something that happens from time to time, and it pays to know what to do when it occurs in your bathroom. Not every clogged toilet may require a call to the plumber. For simpler clogs, a person may be able to use the following:

• A plunger – A tried, tested, and true method is to use your handy plunger. Most homeowners and business owners have one on hand for such occasions, and they can be extremely effective for addressing simple toilet clogs. Place the plunger into the toilet bowl, make sure the hole is completely covered and sealed, and push down gently. While maintaining the seal, push a bit more forcefully up and down, and then break the seal by pulling the plunger away. If the water rushes down, you’ve successfully fixed the clog.

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Why Do The Toilets In Your Home Get Clogged Often?

Drain unclogging service


Clogged toilets can happen in any home to anyone. When this type of situation occurs most people choose to contact a plumbing professional to assist them with the issue and ultimately remove the blockage so they can get back to using their toilet the way that they normally would.

Some people are more concerned with solving the problem quickly than figuring out why the toilets keep on getting clogged. However, it’s certainly important to understand what generally causes these clogs to happen.

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