When To Hire A Plumber To Fix Your Clogged Drain

a drain that has been cleanedA clogged drain is always a nuisance. Some of these incidents can be more of a problem than others. Things that go down a drain are usually waste, so they are never pleasant to deal with. The only exception are items you accidentally throw down your drain.

You should call a plumber as soon as you suspect or detect such an issue.

Some people believe they can sort out clogged drain problems by themselves. More often than not they make use of harsh chemicals to unclog those drains. Even though this method is fairly inexpensive and convenient, it is only a temporary fix and it has some negative consequences.

Professional plumbers don’t use chemicals, due to the fact that they are highly corrosive. In time, the frequent use of such corrosive substances may cause severe damage to pipes and septic systems. On long-term, the use of chemicals becomes very expensive, as the replacement of plumbing systems isn’t cheap. Knowing this, it’s easy to understand why you should call a plumber to unclog your drain instead of pouring those pesky chemicals.

When To Hire A Plumber?

Expert plumbers are easy to find, so you don’t need to bother with trying to figure out what clogged your drain. Just hire a plumber to detect the problem and to fix it. Another good reason why you should hire a plumber to address such issues is that an apparently minor clog may be the symptom of a more severe problem.

What Factors To Asses Before Contacting A Plumber?

How Big Is The Mess?

If there’s wastewater all over your house, you must consider you are in an emergency situation and call the plumber immediately. Even if the mess looks manageable, it can escalate extremely fast, causing even more damage to your assets and to the building itself. Replacing all floors, appliances and furniture and repairing the walls will surely cost you a lot more than the services of an experienced plumber.

Which Areas In Your House Are The Most Affected?

If your entire house is affected by water, you should call the plumber immediately. If the damage is rather contained, you may still need to hire a plumber, but you won’t have to treat it as a top emergency.

How Often Do You Use The Clogged Drain?

Another thing to consider is whether you need to use that drainage a lot. If, for instance, the problem occurs in the spare bathroom you seldom use, you don’t need to seek for an emergency plumber. You can wait until you’ll have the money to pay for the plumber. If, on the contrary, the clogged drain is in the only bathroom you have, you may not afford to wait for more than a few hours.

How Critical Is The Affected Drain?

The kitchen sink is one of the places that have to be addressed as soon as the problem arises. You’ll probably need to use this sink several times a day, and a clogged drain will be a nuisance.


Remember the old adage saying that a stitch in time saves other nine. In order words, call a plumber as soon as you detect the clogged drain. By addressing and fixing plumbing problems in their early stages you’ll save money on longer term.


Need a Plumber to Unblock a Drain?

(516) 629-0353

(631) 693-4907

(718) 571-8877

(347) 797-3997

(914) 344-6757