Why Chemical Drain Cleaners Are Harmful For Your Plumbing

chemical drain cleanerMost chemical drain cleaners contain sulfuric acid or sodium hydroxide (also called lye or caustic soda). These are very corrosive chemicals to metals and organic materials. These chemicals are bases which means they give the clogging substance electrons and the hydroxide ions generate a reaction that clears up the clog. Heat is released by the alkaline chemicals which result in grease turning into a soap-like substance that is easier to dissolve.

Since drain cleaners are a lot heavier than water is, they sink through the standing water that is attached to the clog.

There are other cleaners that contain nitrates, peroxides, and household bleach. Those chemicals cause organic materials that are generating the clog to become oxidized and lose electrons.

What Happens When Chemical Drain Cleaners Are Used

Heat is produced by most of the chemicals which can eat away at old metal pipes and soften PVC pipes.

Along with the chemicals harming your pipes, they can be harmful to your health as well. If you don’t take precautions to not inhale them or don’t wear gloves they can also be dangerous to your skin.

Chemical drain cleaners also can hide larger problems within your plumbing system. A clogged drain can be a symptom of an even more serious problem such as improperly disposing of fibrous materials or grease in the garbage disposal or having something even more major like a blockage lodged deep inside the brain, a broken pipe, or a backed-up sewer line.

How To Unclog A Drain Without Using Chemicals

You just need to use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to clear up a simple clogged drain.

First, try pouring a pot full of boiling water down your clogged drain and then cold water. This combination might clear up a simple clog. If that doesn’t work try treating the clog by pouring half a cup of baking soda in the drain and then half a cup of vinegar. Allow the mixture to sit overnight. In the morning, pour hot water down the drain to flush it out.


Need a Plumber to Unblock a Drain?

(516) 629-0353

(631) 693-4907

(718) 571-8877

(347) 797-3997

(914) 344-6757


That’s it. This will unclog most drains in your house. If the problem still persists then you need to call a plumber to clear your drain quickly to avoid having a plumbing emergency.